MGMT 2035:

Principles of Real Estate

MGMT 2037:

Real Estate Finance and Investment

MGMT 5806:

Real Estate Development

MGMT 2035: Principles of Real Estate (Spring 2025)

Welcome & Course Information

Student Evaluations

Awards and Recognitions

Awards and Recognitions

It has been our honor and privilege to serve our students and we look forward to creating the best possible experience for you this semester.
The teaching staff of MGMT 2035: Principles of Real Estate has received numerous awards from the Harvard academic community in recognition of their efforts over the years.

Joanne Fussa Distinguished Teaching Award
(Teo Nicolais, Instructor)

“This award from Harvard Extension School recognizes exceptional teachers in business and management courses.”

Favorite Professor Award
Harvard Extension Student Association
(Teo Nicolais, Instructor)

“These awards are an opportunity for Harvard Extension School students to recognize favorite classmates, professors, classes, alumni, and more–for their commitment to our community.”

Teaching Innovator Prize
(Real Estate Investment Simulation)

“The ABLConnect Teaching Innovator Prize is a Harvard University-wide prize recognizing instructors for their active learning teaching efforts.  With the Teaching Innovator Prize, we recognize great teaching at Harvard by highlighting some of Harvard’s most thoughtful, effective teachers.”

Dean Michael Shinagel
Exceptional Teaching Assistant Award

These prizes are awarded to honor outstanding work by a teaching assistant in the Extension program.  We our proud to have three teaching staff members this term who have previously received the Dean Michael Shinagel Expectional Teaching Assistant Award.

Harvard Extension School Student Association
Students Choice Award (Teo Nicolais)

“An awards program that recognizes the extraordinary – and often unsung – efforts of Harvard Extension School faculty, teaching assistants/fellows, and advisors.”